Stream 1 - Funds and tokens
Backing pool setup and start of inflows
Burning launch
Info portal (funds reserves, burning rate, etc)
Loyalty model launch
Stream 2 - Marketplace
ggmPortal v1 - initial version with a set of services to claim in-game assets as Loyalty Badges
Loyalty Badges Gallery launch
ggmPortal v2.1 - the marketplace soft launch / Base-level pricing protocol
ggmPortal v2.2 - the marketplace global launch / base-level & markup pricing protocol
ggmPortal v3.1 - Loyalty Badges farming launch
ggmPortal v3.2 - Loyalty Badges boost launch
ggmPortal v3.3 - Loyalty Badges renting launch
Stream 3 - Protocols and procedures
Base-level pricing protocol
Markup procedures voting
​​Markup protocol launch / protocol parameters voting
Repository - liquid part of the Repository redeem launch
token holders voting on the Repository assets management
Repository - Loyalty Badges renting launch
Votings on the protocol parameters modifications
AI protocol integrations
Stream 4 - Community incentives
Ambassador program
Gamers’ rewards
Last updated